Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 4-0

40 days and goodness!  Today I got to sit a lot...happy happy Mely!  I was so worn out yesterday that I am not sure if I typed any coherent happy thoughts or not.  Today was a super fun day of checking paperwork at my dad's work with my mom and her best friend.  The BEST part was that we got to do it in the new classroom at our newest business and Connor got to watch his favorite DVDs on a very LARGE flat screen tv!  He also ate his way through the day and had a whole room to run around in....that child was in heaven I tell ya!  AND we finished several folders of paperwork as well which made the day even better!

After a long day of working for both of us, David and I got to go out on a date night tonight!  We had a Groupon to a restaurant we had not been to before.  Oh my goodness was the food wonderful!  We had such a nice, quiet, evening talking and eating food my children would probably not try for anything lol.  Then we decided to head down and see a movie at the fabulous theaters they have in San Juan Capistrano.  We saw the new movie about the dolphin, Winter, where she gets a prosthetic tail fin.  What a happy story that was!  It was such a happy moment to sit in the theater, hold hands, and watch an inspirational movie!  It meant a lot to me I think because I barely have had the use of my arm for 5 months now and it was a great story of overcoming obstacles...even for an animal!  To top off our very happy moment at the movie, my dear friend Jennifer was there doing a girl's night out with some of her friends from her scrapbooking club.  It was SO wonderful to see her TWO days in a row and meet her sweet friends.  I love that we live in a community where one can bump into friends and neighbors so easily!  Especially since a lot of our neighbors ARE our dear friends!  Well I wish you all a happy weekend.  We will be sitting down as a family watching General Conference from Salt Lake City this weekend.  I so look forward to hear the inspirational messages our dear leaders will have for us.  I pray that many of the talks speak to ME and answer specific questions I have been pondering in my heart all week.  AND I will be making those amazing Cinnamon Rolls from scratch like I always do as well.  I wonder how many of my neighbor/friends I will have at my door Sunday morning this time?  What a happy moment that would be to see all of them!  Cinnamon Rolls for all! :-)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 39

Oh my goodness...a happy moment for me today is being DONE with today!  I sat down for a total of 20 minutes today!  It was a great day, we accomplished a TON, and now we have food in our fridge, visiting teaching almost done, and had a lovely dinner with our new Sister Missionaries.

Joel got another sparkle...something he gets at school for good behavior....and so he was oh so happy today.  I had a happy moment of getting to share Daisy's story with the Sister Missionaries.  One of them even said before I told her how Daisy was "that looks like one of the happiest dogs ever!" She really was :-) 

Speaking of dogs, another great happy moment was seeing my dear friend Jennifer with her dog Lacie today!  Lacie was so sweet with Connor and let him pat pat her and then they walked us home. Such a fun surprise! 

Well that is all I have the effort to type tonight...I am so sleepy!  I will dream of sitting down in my sleep tonight because tomorrow begins another GO GO GO day!  Next week is so full I don't know how I am going to accomplish what I need to!  BUT I have my happy moments to look back on and be able to keep moving forward because of them!  Good night all!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 38

Hello my blog, nice to be on here again.  So happy moments of the day were plenty and BUSY moments abounded today!  It was nice to do some work, make some money, play with my kids and have some happy family time at the end of the day! 

I started out my day at the gun range going over paperwork.  Always a good time with the family there and the great employees!  There was lots of paperwork to get done, but it was nice to hang out with my mom and do girl talk for the better part of 4 hours while workin the paper! 

Then I picked Joel up from school and headed home for a bit to be with my two lil boys.  We had fun watching Robin Hood cartoon and reading books.  It was a nice afternoon full of learning new words for Connor (so help me the kid doesn't talk and mommy is a speech therapist...he is already rebellious! LOL)  Then off to work AS a speech therapist I went!

After work, I met up with my family to do our weekly dinner out at my kids favorite restaurant and playtime.  It was nice to catch up with David on what is going on with his job.  OF COURSE right around the time I am thinking to schedule my surgery, he gets called on another business trip...I swear it's because the universe knows how stressed he gets about me being totally helpless and so it is its way of giving him some peace of mind....yep, being 1000 miles away must help or I don't know HOW this has happened THREE times in a row!....of course I don't exactly know how I can possibly be having a THIRD surgery in a row this year either but oh well :-) 

We came home from fun dinner time and FINALLY did our little family home evening tonight.  It was nice to share with Joel and get him to understand General Conference is coming up.  Of course he also knows that mommy makes her Paula Dean cinnamon rolls that weekend too, but I would like to think he is looking forward to listening to some of what will be said.  I know I sure am!  If this October's conference is anything like the women's meeting we just had, we are all in for a wonderfully spiritually uplifting time!  And who in this day and age doesn't need some more really happy moments?  I know I do! We are half way done with the week!  And unlike yesterday's post, where I was so unbelievably tired lol I DO know that today is in fact WEDNESDAY!  Have a good night all!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 37

WOW! What a very long day today!  We were busy busy driving from one place to the next all day, but we had a lot of fun along the way! 

I started off my morning taking Joel to school and getting a babysitter so I could go and visit my grandmother in Anaheim.  She is 89 years old and isn't awake too much these days.  I can't see her often because of the two kiddos and nap times and school and everything else going on, so it was such a treat to spend a couple of hours with her today!  Such a happy moment eating lunch with her AND she loved the Bran Muffins I made from scratch this morning...she doesn't eat very much so I brought her two and she had em with a big glass of milk...YEA! We got to catch up because I haven't seen her since Joel started Kindergarten.  It was nice to tell her stories about that and also share with her about my tonsil surgery.  She shared a neat story with me about herself when she was a little girl and got her tonsils out.  It was a happy memory for her and made her smile, and now it can be MY happy memory written here that I can look back and read and enjoy!  When she was about 6 or 7 she had her tonsils out.  She remembers dancing around her kitchen table while her father was sitting, eating breakfast.  She said she was so excited to get to go to the hospital and her father kept laughing at her saying "I don't think you are going to be this happy or excited after you have your tonsils out Jo"  That made us both laugh and I am so happy my grandmother shared that precious memory with me!  I don't have very much time left with her (although she has been saying she is dying since she was 60 and here we are almost 30 years later lol)  I am grateful for any happy times we spend together! 

Ok now back to those bran muffins!  For most of my adult life, I have been terrified about baking bran muffins.  Maybe it was the fact I thought you had to do something special to create bran, or the one's at Mimi's Cafe are just so beyond fabulous I was afraid to fail miserably.  Either way, this day has been a long time coming!  I got the recipe off of Weight Watcher's online and took out the raisins and added some honey in the middle of the muffins.  They were so good!  What a happy moment to share with my kids, my grandma, and my husband today as we all tried them out and enjoyed them together!  The fact that they are SUPER healthy for you is just one more happy thought!  I love baking and cooking and I am so glad I had my grandmother and my mom to teach me the basics when I was little! 

One more happy thought for the day: Connor is so sweet with his babysitter.  He has her wrapped around his little finger when it comes to watching DVDs, or DDDs as he calls them.  Whenever he wants a new one he goes up to the DVD holder, points and says "UMMM" then she gets up, begins the ritual of showing him almost EVERY DVD as he says "NOOOO" going from low to high pitch on that "no" there, and then when she gets back to the FIRST DVD she showed Connor he replies with a big smile "YEAH!!!"  It makes me laugh every time!

Well I hope everyone had a happy Monday!  May happy a happy thought be your every thought!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 36

Ok so my first happy moment today was not something that happened TO me, but something I was watching and found hysterical on the news!  I was at Breugger's Bagels getting some lunch today when CNN was reporting on a law that the government in San Francisco was trying to pass.  APPARENTLY it is currently legal to be NUDE in the city, except for in restaurants, and they would like it to be illegal for people to be nude at all times within the city.  I got the worst case of the giggles I have had in a long time!  Perhaps it was the thought that THANK GOODNESS no one has to sit at a restaurant on a vinyl seat where a naked tooshie just was.  Or the random pictures of naked people walking the streets as if it were the most natural thing in the world...get it? Natural?  See?! I still can't stop it!  It was so beyond ridiculous but SO SO funny....hopefully this brings you a moment of happiness by reading...and HOPEFULLY the city of San Francisco makes it illegal in the very near future for people to walk around in their Birthday Suits...or I am NOT going to be visiting any time soon for fear of dying from the worst giggles ever! 

Happy moment number two is a bit more somber, but had to get that first one out of the way.  Tonight I was lucky enough to go out to dinner with my amazing group of Christian friends.  Never in my life have I had more meaningful, spiritual, conversations with a group of women!  Every time we get together I am lucky enough to hear stories of spiritual growth, human experiences that made people stronger, and eat amazing food!  I love love love hanging around this group of women!  Some of these ladies have helped me through some of the darkest times in my life, thus far, and make it possible for me to say what a happy moment it is indeed to be around them for a while!  Can't wait to see what fun we have at game night next month! 

Well, tomorrow is another day...or so says Scarlett O Hara :)  I for one am ready to get some sleep and try to dream of something other than current San Francisco legislation...oh boy!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

35 Days...

Happy Sabbath Day all!  Today we had some nice, calm happy moments.  I love Sundays because it is a day of church, family, and rest.  Doesn't get any better than all of that! 

So one happy moment today was helping Joel give the scripture in his children's church (called primary).  He was able to read the scripture almost all by himself and also able to say that he loves his brother very much....such an AW moment! 

Joel got his costume from Grandma tonight and tried it on.  We all enjoyed watching his face light up as he wore his Knight outfit.  He got a new sword yesterday from Legoland, as well as a shield that he is EARNING when he gets stars on his chart for good behavior and deeds.  SO CUTE!

Well, that is about it for today.  I am just trying to enjoy the last moments of peace for today and then the week begins.  It will be a little busy, but I don't a feeling of dread for this week and I just want to make it through and get to this coming weekend!  General Conference (the leaders of our church speak to everyone all around the world via satellite) AND my famous (ok the recipe is from Paula Deen, but my neighbors love ME for making them lol) cinnamon rolls from scratch....all good things!  Wishing anyone who reads this many happy moments this coming week!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 34 Being Happy NOW!

Today was a splendid day filled with happy moments!

First off, we went to Legoland as a family and had a blast riding our favorite rides and eating our favorite food!  We even got to go to the fancy soda machine at one of the Legoland stores and try Coke Zero Raspberry!  It was SO good!  Can't wait to see what we try next time!  So we had some much needed family fun times.  It is so nice both my boys are tall enough to ride most (for Joel ALL) of the rides.  Happy moments hearing my kids laugh and smile on the rides and just enjoy being with Mommy and Daddy for an afternoon.

Then...we headed to the Carlsbad outlets for a late lunch/early dinner.  We found the most AMAZING cupcake place!  It is like a Golden Spoon of cupcakes!  You get to choose from several cupcake flavors, then choose which icing you want, and THEN what toppings (graham cracker, rainbow sprinkles, pink sugar just to name a few)  WOW! They were pretty tasty too! 

Finally my night concluded with the General Relief Society Broadcast from Salt Lake City.  It was wonderful to join women from all over the world in listening to our church leaders from our ladies organization (the OLDEST women's organization in the United States!) and from one of our Apostles.  What really stuck with me was President Uchdorf's message to "be happy NOW" and not to dream and work towards happier times.  That is what this blog is all about!  I am being happy NOW, finding the joy NOW, and writing down all of my happy moments NOW lol.  I tried dreaming about happier days.  Guess what?  They don't happen!  Life is full of complicated, depressing, burdensome things!  BUT....I can find the happy moments each day of my life, write them down, and all of the other things just don't seem to matter as much because I know that tomorrow, I am going to have MORE happy moments to write down no matter what!  What a smile I have on my face.  What a lighter heart I have because of my daily happy moments.  I wish that for find the joy THROUGH the trials.  Find even just a little sun coming through the dark clouds and you CAN smile. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 33

So an unusual happy moment to start out with today: Went to the dentist, got my pearly whites cleaned and NO cavities!  YEA!  It's all the little happy moments in life that add up and make you happy, and I will take NOT having to get any fillings done as a joyous moment in my life!

I was also able to work at my dad's gun range today.  There is a TON of paperwork that is done when a person purchases a gun and a lot of people have to go over that paperwork to make sure it was filled out correctly.  One little mistake and my dad could lose his gun license.  It was fun reviewing the paperwork with my mom, her best friend, and my dad's employee.  Several people came in and asked why we were laughing so hard and why reviewing paperwork was as noisy as it was.  Get a room full of women and that's what happens folks!  It was a really happy moment, and I am one of those nerds in life who actually enjoys doing paperwork correctly (I blame all those years working as an employee of a government bureaucracy....I mean school district lol) you tend to get very good at dotting all of the i and ts.  

Today was a mellow day, but good just being with family and my kiddos.  They are getting so big so fast!  As I just checked on them, Joel's feet are half way down his twin bed, and Connor is quickly filling up that crib with his body.  They are so precious when they are sleeping!  I love them so much and am so thankful for their precious attitudes they had today.  Looking forward to some weekend fun and happy moments and I hope you are too!  Goodnight all!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 31 LOTS of girly fun!

What a fun day today!  This morning started out with a friend's brunch at one of our favorite local eateries here in town.  We all got such amazing breakfasts and it was so nice to spend that much time with girls talking ALL about girl things....girl things that bring us VERY happy moments :-)  I also learned that there are a few stores that are in need of my hard earned dollars! 

We were able to sit down as a family and have a great dinner tonight.  It was so nice to talk about our favorite things of the day and we learned Joel has a new little girlfriend he likes to play with on the computer in his class and at fun!  I am happy he is branching out and making new friends...NOTHING makes my heart happier than hearing that Joel is socializing!  That has been one of his goals in OT for so long and it is so great that he can come home and tell me the names of people!  Love it!  

After dinner I was off to a baby shower where there was another group of fabulous women!  We ate the most amazing food, watched our friend get the CUTEST little boy outfits, and had more girl talk time.  I tell ya, mommy came home ONE happy lady tonight!  Oh, and if you live in our community, then we also all talked about how the spiders this year are ESPECIALLY annoying and large!  One funny thing Joel says to me every day when we walk to school is "ok mommy, time for you to walk ahead of me because YOU get to walk through the spiderwebs first and NOT me"  The things we do for the children we love...I tell ya!  Have a great night all!  I am on a happy moment HIGH today! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

1 month down, 11 to go!

Wow, 30 days already!  I can't believe it!  I love blogging happy moments in my day though!  It is totally addicting to get on here and type down the best parts of my day.  It helps me mentally in ways I never thought it could!  There have been some really dark days lately and I am sure there are more ahead, but writing down the joyful moments of my life are making it possible to go to bed and get up the next day KNOWING that I will have happy moments to blog about...even if it is just one...or more likely two :-)

So here are my happy moments of today:
  • getting to play on the floor with Connor (I can't do it too often because my arm doesn't usually let me get back up OFF of the floor, but I was near a chair where I could push up with the other arm today) We played with his little school bus and put people on and took people off.  Then we made it was one of life's simple, cute, moments that made me smile.
  • going to work today and working with one of the cutest Down Syndrome kids I have ever met!  She has so much expression and love of life!  She makes you want to smile the whole time you are with her and we had so much fun playing Hi Ho Cherrio and Candyland and making Cookie Monster eat cookies!  (yes I DO speech therapy with all of those toys lol, it isn't just fun time in there, but it sure felt like it!)
  • everyone does different things when they are dealing with sadness or bouts of depression.  For me, I take baths and sit in there for HOURS at a time.  I once re-read the ENTIRE Harry Potter series in a bathtub (across many days lol)  our water bill gets a bit higher, but it keeps me going to the next day.  So tonight, long bath, washed my hair in the tub, and watched episode two of Gilmore Girls from my DVD set.  It was GREAT!  I am cleaner AND calmer now :-)
  • big happy moment today was realizing that I did NOT in fact have the flu but a really bad case of food poisoning yesterday....mental NOT get anything from the food court at the mall EVER again that isn't deep fried or pizza...two times now I have gotten sick and both from different restaurants!  Never again!  I wouldn't wish what happened yesterday on my worst enemy (if I had a worst enemy)  just yuck!
Well that is all for now.  Hope you have a very happy week filled with happy moments!  I am really looking forward to TWO parties I am attending tomorrow and date night coming up as well!  Gotta use some of our Groupons that are about to expire!  Take care all and make some happy moments of your own!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 29

Well hello there!  Here are my happy moments from today.  I have the flu today, so getting to sleep is for sure one of those happy moments!  Having my husband come home early (BLESS HIM!) was huge.  He is working so hard and late these days on projects so I am grateful that he was able to pick Joel up from school, take him to OT, and put Connor down for a nap....all the while I paid homage to the porcelain gods.  I DID get out to the mall before getting sick and had a lovely time with my neighbor, her daughter, and their friends.  We did reading time with our little ones at Pottery Barn Kids.  It was a nice break from hanging out at home and Connor was SO happy!  Wish I could have done a little shopping there as well....maybe when I am feeling a little more vertical and less horizontal :-) to bed I go, falling asleep....happy moment indeed!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 28

Happy Monday!  What a fun way to begin the week!  I certainly enjoyed my moments of happy today and I hope everyone had a nice day as well. 

First, Connor was accepted into this playgroup for which I am eternally grateful.  Joel never got to be in a playgroup when he was little so I missed out on this joyful experience!  Connor has so much fun playing and I get to take a couple of hours, totally kid free, to do things I NEED to do and also do some things I WANT to do.  I have wanted acrylic nails for forever BUT when learning how to heard cattle, or riding on dusty trails, I didn't think they would last long or stay pretty white.  Well, it is not looking like I will be back in the saddle any time soon, most likely after the start of the new year now, so I went ahead and did some pink and white nails!  I did this new thing called Shellac which is slightly different than the old style nails.  It is so fun to feel so girly and pretty!  I would be happier learning cutting and herding on the back of my pal, but for now I am content to have nails that make that "click click" sound when I type!

Picking Joel up from school was so nice today.  It was great to see his face light up when he saw me and we held hands as we walked back.  Such a neat mother/son moment and I know those are going to be less and less as we grow into kiddom and then teenagedom and then holding hands and walking while he told me about his day was a happy moment indeed. 

On Monday nights in our church, we are asked to do something called "family home evening"  it is a family night with a spiritual side to it.  Sometimes we play games, other times we just try to get through a spiritual message, but tonight we talked about love.  It was nice to talk to Joel and Connor about their love for each other and how important it is to be kind and love one another.  Especially since earlier today Connor slammed a toy car into Joel's shoulder and made him cry.  I made Connor say sorry, but the REAL sorry came when Connor put his head in Joel's lap and looked up at him.  It melted my heart and I pointed out to Joel that even though Connor SAID sorry, he could see he really meant it by his SHOWING it.  Oh if only I had a camera to capture those precious moments!  Well at least I can blog em here! 

I wish everyone a happy week and am looking forward to some much needed down time this week. May you get to do something that makes your heart happy!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 27...Heaven :-)

I have SO SO enjoyed my happy moments today.  I guess if I didn't, they wouldn't really be considered happy moments, but these just kept on coming!  My kids were on a ROLL today with what they were saying and doing.  And now, I share with you some of the moments that made me laugh so hard today I had tears in my eyes....haven't laughed that hard in a really long time!

Moment 1: As I finished conducting the last hymn at church today, I waved my hand in a circle (hard to explain) to signal the end of the song.  Well to little Connor in the congregation, it must have looked like I was signing to him.  As I sat down ready for the closing prayer, I could hear his little voice "ALLL DOONE!"  I smiled all through the prayer.  Thanks for that Connor!

Moment 2: We all piled into the car and headed home after church.  Joel was already in a sad mood because he didn't get to finish coloring a piece of paper in his primary class.  I was trying to change the subject and get him to be thinking of something else so I said "Ok when we get home we need to change our clothes and then we can go see Grandma and Grandad"  well, guess that was not what he wanted to hear because he began to cry again and said, "oh no! I can't change I look so handsome in this outfit!"  I have NO idea where he gets these things!  I was laughing so hard, and David was laughing so hard he nearly steered us into the vehicle in the next lane (which happened to be a OC Sheriff car lol.  So then Joel starts WAILING and yelling "stop laughing at meeee!" It was too much for us.  I laughed the whole way home, and I think Joel finally got over it and started to smile a bit.  Oh my poor Joel.  I wish life could be a bit more joyful and less stressful for him.  He is indeed a drama king.  I hope he finds that life's troubles are what you make of them...big or little, but it is up to you.  I try to teach him that, but he is 5 and it isn't going very well so far.

Well, tomorrow is Monday.  I am going to enjoy each and every last All My Children there is.  It got me through the end of college, grad school, those lonely nights David was at school and I had them on VHS, and ALL during my horrid 3 months of bed rest while I was pregnant with Joel.  Can't wait to see how Pine Valley says goodbye! 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 26

Happy Saturday!  Here are a few lovely, happy moments from my day of hanging around and not doing too much.

Happy moment 1: Costco...SUCH a fun place to go with the kids around lunch time on a Saturday!  They enjoyed smoothies, turkey sandwiches on croissants, cliff bar, toffee nut crunch, and some yogurt!  It was great to re-stock our food storage and plan out our meals for the week.  Costco is quite an experience, if you haven't even been, give it a try sometime!

Happy Moment 2: I bought a book at Costco.  This particular book is number 11 in a series that the author has been writing for the past 11 years!  I have been reading one book a year, each September, for the last 11 years of my life!  They are such wonderful books and have great stories of people coming together, struggling through life's challenges, and finding happiness through friendship and love.  I am 90% done with the book tonight because of nap time and getting to take a LONG bath tonight.  Happy Happy Happy Happy!

Well, that is pretty much it for today!  It was a nice day being together with family and enjoying all that a quiet Saturday had to offer me....and I took each moment as it came with a smile!  Hope your day was as calm as mine!  Until tomorrow.....

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 25...wave that black and white checkered flag for me!

Friday is here! Friday is here! Friday is here!  I'm not happy about it or anything :-) Oh my goodness, such a busy long week, but lots and happy moments and that is what counts in here!

My first happy moment that I would like to share came from a doctor's office!  No, I don't know if my bone is growing back yet, BUT I got a call from the surgery center that I went to when I had my tonsils removed.  They told me the rather large sum of money I had given them as a payment of services had been covered by my insurance company (no doubt thanks to the small fortune I gave the hospital and my orthopedic doctor for my arm) and that they are going to refund the money to my credit card!  YIPEE! Now, the reason I am so joyful about this is because we just paid several hundred dollars to the hospital for services from breaking my arm.  It was one of the LAST bills to be paid and I have been pretty worried about pulling MORE money from the savings account to cover that cost.  Now, we only have to pay about 100 dollars out of pocket for that bill because of my tonsil bill refund!  What a blessing!  And this concludes today's happy moment of why I pay my tithing. 

Tonight I bring you happy moments of PURE gluttony on David's and my part.  The lesson we learned?  If you have a 40 dollar Groupon and each meal is only about 10 dollars...invite someone ELSE to go out with you because an appetizer platter, then dinner, then dessert is a RIDICULOUS amount of food to eat just because you don't want to waste the Groupon money you spent! LOL  Funny enough, we were able to to eat most of the appetizer and ALL of the peanut butter cannoli.  Our sandwiches, however, did not make it past a few bites each.  Guess we should have started with dessert!  It was a fun time no matter what, and a happy moment to look back and laugh at ourselves for the future.

We decided to skip the movie we had planned to see tonight and decided to have our babysitter stay a bit longer and do something we have been talking about for almost 3 YEARS now!  Our private HOA pool also has one of the only Jacuzzis in the community and it is walking distance to our home.  So we put on our suits and headed over there for a bit.  HEAVEN!  The water was so nice and hot and every joint in my body was yelling "THANK YOU!"  The humidity and cold weather hasn't made those joints too happy lately so it was great to get out and feel pain free! 

I look forward to this weekend and spending time with the kids.  I can't wait to hear tomorrow, at the breakfast table, some of the fun things Joel has been doing at school.  Hope everyone enjoys your Saturday tomorrow!  I know I would enjoy mine a bit more if it started out on a trail ride, BUT, I have the bone stimulator on and am thinking REALLY positive thoughts for growth so I can get back in my saddle soon!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 24

What a week so far!  I am so happy this week is ending...that is a big happy moment right there!  Fall is coming so fast and then BOOM, Christmas and then goodbye 2011! 

Happy Moments today were plenty.  First, I got to work out, for more than 5 minutes, for the first time in a LONG time.  I have not been sure HOW to work out since I broke my arm.  If I work out on the eliptical machine I hear a lot of crunching and movement.  I certainly can't lift weights so that has been months now! Riding a horse...ha ha very funny.  So holding onto my son's stroller and walking has pretty much been my last option.  It isn't pilates, it probably won't tone and shape my body much, but it'll get my heart going if I walk fast enough and keep me healthy if I climb hills.  The bonus is, I don't hear any movement in my arm if I am walking and holding on so it seems to be ok with my arm if I walk as well!

Tonight we had a meeting at the Family History Center to go over a new paid program....I will get to that in a minute.  First, I was able to go to dinner with the two other ladies in my congregation who volunteer there.  It was such a nice time!  I got to share about my happy blog and eat from a new Greek place that just opened at the wonderful!

A really happy moment for me tonight was learning new things.  Education has always been so important to me.  LEARNING is what this life is all about and it was so great to learn new things that I am supposed to teach to other people now to find their family.  How great is that?!  I am also hoping what I learned tonight helps me to find more of my husband's ancestors.  Time will tell but there are so many great programs out there to find your family! 

Well I am off.  I hope all of you out there end on a happy note tonight before you head to bed.  I am so grateful for this blog and the joy that fills my heart in typing each day.  I am thankful I have one place where it is OK to be overly positive!  Pleasant dreams all!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 23

Happy Wednesday!  The week is almost done, still so much to do and so little time!  I had some great happy moments today folks.  First, Joel was out of school today and we were busy with stuff, but after, we were able to go to lunch with Daddy AND catch a movie!  We saw the smurfs, so for me, the happy moments were watching Joel laugh and watch the movie.  He really liked it AND I got to hear a belly laugh out of him!

Off to work I went today where I had such an amazing group of kids.  I got to work with a precious little girl with Down Sydrome and I loved every minute of that!  After work, I was walking home and my boss's neighbor was outside in his garden.  I told him what beautiful roses he had, and he told me I was beautiful and that my name should be rose (yes he is a little old man, but still made me smile)  He wouldn't let me leave without giving me "the most beautiful rose in my garden for the most beautiful girl!" he must have been a real lady's man back in the day!  And so I took the rose.  It smelled SO good!  AND...extra happy moment, I figured out how to post pictures to my blog!  So enjoy my rose, wish you could smell has the most wonderfully STRONG rose smell!

Have a happy night all!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 22 doing good how bout you?

So I started this blog so that I could try to have better days.  I must say it is really working!  At the end of each day, as I reflect on the good, the bad, and the busy, I am able to pull out some really good moments!  It is so nice to go to bed happy and thinking happy thoughts!  I don't dread the happenings of the next day, and I am able to be grateful for the goodness each day gives me.  And so, I give you today's happy moments....
Happy moment 1: losing weight at Weight Watchers...always a good feeling to hop on that scale and watch it go DOWN!  I have been fighting so dang hard to lose every pound this time.  I gained 70 pounds with my pregnancy with Connor, mostly because I was on such HIGH doses of prednisone the whole time to keep my RA steady and keep little Boo Boo alive.  I have never had such a hard time losing weight (I know that is due to my aging body as well lol) so every OUNCE that is gone is such a happy accomplishment for me!

Happy moment two: Family dinner tonight was so nice.  I love sitting at the dinner table with my family and watch them enjoy the meal that I have prepared for them.  There is something so heartwarming about watching Connor "mmmm" after each bite and have Joel negotiate how many baked beans he has to eat before he gets a cookie....he ate every last bean by the way!  I love going around the table and asking David and Joel what their favorite part of the day is (for Joel it was visiting Grandad at the new range and shooting his automatic airsoft)  I love being able to take the time to sit back and breathe after a long day of rushing around.  Family dinner, it's the happy moment that fills your happy tanks to the top!

And so another night is coming to a close.  As I sit here thinking positive thoughts and waiting for my bone stimulator to turn off (grow bone grow!) I wish you all a happy night....for me it certainly is now!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 21

PHEW!  And I'm done for the day :-) It has been a race all day going hither and thither to get things accomplished!  I gotta say though, many many happy moments today so gonna share some of them in short sentences
  • took Connor to his official playgroup and he was one of the only kids not crying GO SON!  he LOVED playing and was on his best behavior after having a blast with other kiddos his age
  • BECAUSE Connor was at playgroup and Joel was at Kindergarten, I actually got to eat soup AND the crouton Connor USUALLY steals from me at Nordstrom Cafe...mommy got a moment to herself AND a meal I didn't have to reheat or share......... BEAUTIFUL!!!
  • After racing around getting Connor and Joel back we came home, Connor took a nap, and I took the most peaceful shower I have had in a long time.  True, it had to wait until 2:30 in the afternoon, but you know what they say, can't rush perfection!
  • I worked with FIVE great kiddos today at work, I felt like I am making a difference in my area of expertise again, and I also made money to pay off those bills that have LITERALLY cost me an arm!
  • We had such a great Family Home Evening tonight (meaning Connor didn't squirm and distract Joel the whole time so I think SOME of the message about families being together forever actually sunk in!)  Connor actually sang along with us in our primary song too...can't wait to see how musical he is going to be!
  • My last happy moment is that this busy day is over....looking forward to my head hitting the soft fluffy pillow and my eyes closing and...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, September 11, 2011

20 Days and 10 Years

My goodness...10 years have gone by since that morning my roomate woke me up and told me the Pentagon had been bombed.  10 years since watching those images live and walking through a fog, lighting candles, flying flags everywhere, and coming together as one people.

I am thankful I was able to sing today in choir for our congregation and that I was able to chose the hymns today that I thought would best help all of us reflect on the past 10 years a bit.  The speakers were just wonderful and it was great to hear that we all need to REMEMBER who we are and how to be, do it, get through our trials, and we can have such joy and happiness.

I woke up this morning with a pretty bad head cold, so I am really hoping all of the cold meds I am pouring into me are going to work.   My happy moment today was watching some beautiful 9/11 footage with my kids all snuggled next to me and feeling joy about having my dear family so near.  I love my snuggle bug kiddos.  I am grateful for my sweet family and for the uplifting day today.  Good luck this week everyone, let Monday begin!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 19

I hope you all enjoyed a much cooler day today!  We even had showers and thunderstorms!  So much better than the heat we had the first two days of school!  Happy moment one today was being with family most of the day at Chuck E Cheese for my nieces 4th birthday party.  What a fun way to celebrate and Joel had so much fun playing games, earning tickets, and eating pizza!  It was nice to sit around and talk with family members and relax for a little while.  Lilly looked the part of party princess dressed in her Cinderella gown and crown!  It is ALWAYS fun for this aunt to buy girlie things!

Happy moment two was a nice trip to Swirlz with my neighbor.  It has been forever since we have sat down and had some girl chit chat!  It was a really great way to end the day.  Can't believe it is already the 10th of September.  I look forward to singing the songs I chose for our congregation tomorrow.  I am going to hang our flag that we won at an NRA auction up in our window and leave a candle lit outside for most of tomorrow night.  That is what my entire apartment complex did 10 years ago, and it really brought us all together in a way I will never forget.  Good night all....going to try extra hard to find those happy moments tomorrow :-)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 18 The gift of time

Well friends, happy moment today for me was hearing back from the doctor that FOR NOW I am going to be surgery free.  We are going to give this arm bone 6 more weeks to try and heal with bone stimulator, being off my RA meds, and taking folic acid supplements.  We shall see!  In the mean time, I can pray more, think LOTS more positive thoughts about my bone growing and keep my fingers crossed.  But I am OK if I have to have more surgery....positive thinking at its best is this....I already have spent a small fortune in surgeries this year and IF I have to do another surgery, no deductible and I won't have to pay too many co-pays because we have reached our limit for the year lol.  So from that view it won't be so bad.  Also, hopefully my arm will for SURE be fixed, and maybe my feeling in my arm will come BACK after the next surgery.  It's all good!

My next happy moment is already in progress so I have to get back to it!  Date night at home with David watching Rio since he didn't see it at the movies with us.  I just HAPPENED to get some chocolate at See's today for us to enjoy and so I bid you all a good night and am hoping many happy moments will be sent your way after reading this!

Day 17...well ok it's midnight but this TOTALLY counts! No power for hours!

Hello all! I am pretty sure for MANY of you out there tonight the happiest moment of your day was when the power to your home came back on.  I know I feel this way!  PHEW! So hot and so much traffic! Happy to have the ceiling fans, refridgerator, and AC all up and running once more!

Also happy to be blogging because that means the computer is back on too!

We had a great night at the annual Friends of the NRA dinner.  Didn't win a gun this year, but I won a book signed by Charlton Heston and some other fun little things.  The dinner was wonderful and it is always great to see wonderful people out for a great cause! 

Well friends, I am off to bed right now!  Here is to a MUCH cooler day tomorrow and I am really looking forward to getting my X-ray results back from the Dr. tomorrow hopefully showing that I have some substantial bone growth....that will be a happy moment INDEED!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

16 Days gone by....

Hello all!  If your kiddos started school today I hope they had a great day!
Happy moment one: Krispy Kreme doughnut with Joel for his first day of Kindergarten breakfast!  It was so fun and the machines were on and we all got to watch them make the doughnuts and then we all got one for free!  Joel and Connor SUCKED them down whole! LOL It was such a great family morning and I am so thankful I was able to take it all in and enjoy each moment.  Gotta say though, walking to and from school would have been WAY more fun without the 99 degree heat and 80% humidity!  PHEW was it hot out there today!  We waited 10 minutes outside Joel's classroom door today and were soaking wet by the time we got in there!  It was so cute to watch Joel go in the room and peruse and take it all in.  While we were listening to the teacher go over a lot of information, at one point, we noticed Joel looking at "how to write numbers 0-9 up on the wall.  He was tracing the number in the air with one eye happy he is ready to learn!  David and I feel really good about his teacher and he is so excited to be dropped off...with me leaving...tomorrow...and I won't be there.....and I have to leave.......oh boy.......brb........*sniffle sniffle*....*sounds of nose being blown into a kleenex*......
Krispy Kreme time!

So on to happy moment two: I have been thinking about my sweet puppy Daisy a lot today.  It is never sad thoughts when thinking about that spunky pup!  I miss her, and I am sad she isn't here for hugs and all of these moments we have had without her, but I think about her joyful, exuberant attitude and it makes me want to do better.  It was 3 months ago today that she left our lives.  Since then I bought a cute doggie sign that says, "Always try to be the kind of person your dog THINKS you are"  and I am really trying for you Daisy.  Trying to find those happy moments and I know you are near whenever the breeze blows on my face, or whenever I pass the grassy area by our home where you made me spend HOURS of my life chucking a ball from a long stick :-)  You know you had a truly amazing creature if even the UPS man sheds a tear and STILL comes to your door to ask how you are doing without that "sweet dog".  I have finally put all of the pictures of her in one place and am going to put a book together about her so we can enjoy the memories of her forever.  Like the fact that for Daisy, sharing was NOT caring.  That dog would find every ball out on a field and put it all in one spot and then lay down on them so they could be all hers!  She would sit and smile with her little proud ears pinned back as if to say, "well, I am quite pleased with myself and now I have all the balls!"  See? Happy moments abound when thinking of my little girl!  Well, off to finish up for the night.  Have to make sure my bag of obligated school goodies for the teacher has our name on it lol.  Have a happy night all!

A picture of Joel on his first official day of Kindergarten...all I could think was the quote from Finding Nemo: "Bye son! Be safe...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 15

Happy moment one of the day was spending our last day of Summer at Chick-fil-A.  We have been doing lunch there every Tuesday after Joel's Occupational Therapy for at least a year now!  We are moving our Tuesday lunches to Wednesday dinner because he has OT on Wed in the late afternoon and I can get off work and meet David and the boys there.  It was such a perfect day, the boys ate all of their food, and then we played with a really good group of kids for about 30's small joyful moments!

It has been an overly stressful day today, there is so much to DO this week and only a few days to pack it all in!  Joel starts kindergarten tomorrow and I found out who his teacher will be...for the next 10 days at least.  We go in tomorrow and do a parent/teacher/kid introduction but it is so sad that Joel might leave this class after 10 days.  I feel so in limbo right now!  I have my Dr. appt on Friday to find out just HOW broken the arm still is and IF I will be having more surgery next week.  Thus, I bring you happy moment number two...I am SO looking forward to Saturday when this week is over!  I just keep thinking in my head, once saturday is here, we will at least know more than we do now about some things and we can deal with the rest as it heads our way.
I usually blog each night while David practices the piano.  He is getting so good and made such a wonderful breakthrough on one of the songs he has been playing for DAYS now! LOL It makes me happy to hear music flow through our flowing from a piano makes a home a happy place to be!  Well all, time for bed!  I feel like it is MY first day of school tomorrow, and in a very real sense, it is...first Kindergarten, then's gonna go by THAT fast people, and I know it!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 14

What a day today!  Rain, thunder, lightening, and for the first time in a LONG time that is not metaphorically speaking!  Sorry to those that don't like it but it was so wonderful!  My plants got some water, we had our windows open and enjoyed the cool breeze for a bit, and there was no blazing sun!  I stopped being able to enjoy the hot sun a few years back when I got on my chemotherapy doesn't allow for much sun exposure and warns against it, so foggy, cloudy weather is preferable in some ways. 

       I re-read a lot of my posts from past days today and I felt SO much happiness as I read them!  It is so great to be able to go back and re-live my happy moments, and some of them were really great in the past two weeks!  Had I known that blogging happy memories would help me each day, I would have thought to do this sooner!  I have a journal where I write down on paper many things, but this blog is specifically for positive moment journaling, and it is just wonderful!

We had a lovely evening eating some great BBQ food at my parent's house with my parents, brother, sister-in-law, niece, and the Mormon Missionaries tonight.  It was so nice to sit around as a family and laugh and have fun talking.  It was so great to see my two kids and their cousin play and have fun.  I remember the joys of playing with my cousins when I was little and I hope my kids create many happy memories!  It was fun watching Connor walk around to my parents and beg food off of their forks lol.  Joel is getting to spend the night tonight at my parent's house.  It will be his last weekday sleepover for a while!  Soon, real school starts and other than holidays and summer, that part of his life is done.  He stayed there each week for a night or two while I worked full time, he begged to stay there every chance he could get in the last couple of months when I was down and out for various reasons.  It has been such a happy place for him.  But it is so exciting to see him grow and start Kindergarten soon!  Life keeps moving forward, nothing I can do to stop the progression of it.  All I can do is be happy and try to blog each blissful moment so I can look back and smile.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lucky Day 13

WOW! So tired today!  It is 7 pm and I am headed to bed, along with my kiddos.  I don't remember being this tired before!  It is going to feel so nice for my head to hit my nice soft pillow :-) That is going to be a happy moment indeed!

Another happy moment today was our family dinner together.  It is the first Sunday of the month and for our church we fast on this day.  It was nice to come home and enjoy a continued FEAST from JOJO's Pizza kitchen!  We have enough for a third meal as well! 

Well tomorrow begins a new week.  We start of with a holiday and then begins a marathon of appointments and new beginnings!  I look forward to enjoying all the happy moments the week has to offer.  Happy Sunday everyone!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 12

Happy Moment: Today we did our first sort of Timeshare sales meeting.  We got this card in the mail this last week saying if we went, we would get a 7 night cruise anywhere...figured it couldn't hurt to go!  We went, truly disappointed the sales people with our NO attitude (lol my arm and all its surcharges this past summer were the exact amount of the buy in, so it would have LITERALLY cost us an arm!), and got our cruise voucher.  We will see what happens but I am happy so far!  We are hoping to leave from New Orleans to the Caribbean and then when we get back from the cruise, head up to North Louisiana to visit David's family for a few days and then fly back home....two vacations for the price of one flight!  Fingers crossed that works out!  We could REALLY REALLY use a good vacation lol, but not to worry, I know from PAST experiences there is a tiny hospital located on the lowest deck of all cruise ships LOL LOL.

Happy moment two: Why do so many of my happy moments revolve around FOOD?!  I was able to eat coconut shrimp today and it didn't hurt!  The back of my throat is healing nicely and it was such a treat to eat such a yummy favorite!  Being with David all day on this fun adventure was so nice!  I learned I rate vacations in terms of importance from 1-10 as a 9 and he rates it as a 5....gotta love my shy guy!  If I could travel, with my family, all year long, I would.  I know there are some people that home school their kids in an RV and go all over the country.  This magazine writer did that and wrote about it.  That would be a DREAM for me, to stop in various towns, pick up what speech therapy jobs I could so we could eat and buy gas, and keep on traveling.  A girl can dream!  Well, off to church tomorrow...hope my left arm keeps up the marathon pace it is on.  My right arm is virtually useless at this muscle tone and swollen...really hoping that means BONE growth!  We shall see!  Well I am off to dream of crystal blue waters and cruise ship delights!  Happy Saturday ALL!

Friday, September 2, 2011

day 11

Happy moment 1: for some reason I seem to be posting two happy moments per day...gonna keep up with that for a while unless something majorly happy occurs :-)  We had another blissful day at the pool today swimming around and Connor would not stop jumping in!  It was SO cute how he would sign "more" every time I would pull him out of the water.  The kids have come a long way in their swimming abilities this summer.  I am happy they love the water as much as I do!

Happy moment 2: We went to one of our favorite places for dinner tonight, JOJO's Pizza Kitchen.  We wouldn't move from Brea to any other place unless we knew there would be one around for us to order our favorite pizza.  I have two groupons for the place and we used one of them tonight....and the food just kept on coming!  For our cheap price of our Groupon, we got a large pizza, a huge bowl of spaghetti and a pizza size portion of bread sticks!  It was crazy how much food we had!  We brought more than half of it home and will be HAPPY to have another family join us on our return visit for Groupon number two...any takers?  It was fun to be there tonight watching Joel play the Pac Man game they had...or as he called it "the game with the chomping clam" that gave us a good laugh.
I am so grateful for the happy moments to hold on to at the end of the night.  My step feels a little lighter and my life feels less....well...dramatic!  Have a happy night everyone and here is to the holiday weekend...may we REMEMBER.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

10 Down 355 to go....

I had a biology teacher who once told me as I was dealing with my teenage trials "remember two things in life and you will always be happy, at least you are not pregnant and you don't have cancer!"  His wife died after a long battle with cancer, so for him it was a good day when no one else had it either.  Then there is the whole teenage pregnancy thing.  Happy thought number one is that for me that saying is still true for both...almost died having baby number two and I was overjoyed to find out I am currently cancer-free!  I thought of that today as I dealt with some very deep, very difficult struggles.  They are the ones that cannot be expressed and still can't really comprehend, but tears were shed today as we fought through some rough HOURS of our lives.

My next happy moment of the day was getting a babysitter and attending a session at a Mormon Temple in Newport Beach.  It was so wonderful to enjoy the peace and beauty of the temple tonight.  We were so blessed to see so many people who have meant so much to us in our lives tonight!  We saw many friendly faces of people working at the temple from our old congregation back in Brea.  I was able to find out about one of the elderly ladies and was happy to hear she is still alive and sweet as ever.  (Never miss out on becoming friends with people MUCH older than you, those can be friendships that last now and forever!)  I also saw my Jr. year of high school Seminary teacher.  He was my favorite (sorry if any others are reading this!) but he brought doughnuts and talked to all of us like we were adults...HE actually survived a bout of cancer himself right around the time I discovered I had Rheumatoid Arthritis...discovering and fighting our diseases sort of made us linked for life!  There was so much joy tonight!  It was a nice time being alone with David somewhere very quiet for a couple of hours as well.  Happy to have made it through the day and blogged about it.  Night Night!