Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 130

Really tired tonight.  I have a bruise running from the back of my shoulder running all the way down my forearm.  It looks a little bit like horror movie makeup, so I guess I will be wearing only long sleeve shirts for a while longer. :-)  Well, on to today.

I spent most of the day with David today on a couch shopping adventure.  But before that, we had a couple of happy moment detours.  My dad called and told us to come visit him at work, and when we got there he gave us a very large late Christmas present.  David looked around the sales area and found another item that was on clearance that we added to our little collection.  We are going to go down in the morning and pick them both up.  That was detour #1.

On our way back from my dad's work, my friend who is pregnant texted me and wanted to know if we could join her and her mother for lunch at our local favorite Mexican restaurant.  We had a great time talking, and I found out she is going in tomorrow to have her baby.  I am super excited about that!  I can't wait to have a little girl in the neighborhood with all our little boys.  It is going to be so fun!

So after our fun times with friends and family, we finally started couch shopping.  After many long hours of searching and sitting, we discovered that unless we want to spend a boatload of money on a couch, there is not one out there for us.  We are saving up for a car and some bedroom furniture right now, but I inherited my grandmother's bed.  Not even the savings we got from having a free bed comes close to a couch budget, so I am just going to have to figure out how to make my couches work in my little space and maybe put our bed money toward our car that we need next year.  So even though we didn't find a couch, we had a lot of happy moments spending time together.

Later on tonight, we all snuggled down on our couches and watched Lady and the Tramp for a bit.  Connor does not have the attention span that Joel did at that age, but it was nice to snuggle while it lasted.  Off to bed now we go, and hoping for a more pain-free day tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 129

This morning started off with a pleasant breakfast of waffles (round waffles) made by our brand new waffle maker.  This thing has five different settings and the waffles were made to perfection.  I look forward to many more waffle making mornings and to trying out Paula Deen's cornmeal waffle and chili recipe!

We moved on from the morning to my doctor's appointment, where I got the stitches out and got to see my new arm for the first time.  Behold the new hardware in my arm...

After my appointment, we got to spend a lot of time at Pretend City today, where the boys got to play with my niece.  We had fun pretend ordering food, grocery shopping, dancing on stage, gardening, and reading books in the new library they have there.  It was just such a fun time to watch Joel and Connor pretend to do different things.  I remember when I took Connor when he was an infant and played in the infant areas, and now he's checking out items from his grocery shopping cart and making the sound "beep" with each purchase.  It's just amazing how he's grown.  Joel's favorite thing to do is to take our order at the restaurant and bring food and drinks.  It was so adorable, and he did a really great job on his craft!

Our final fun activity after nap time was to go see the house that lights up to music one last time for the season.  After the end of each song, Connor would clap and say "yay!"  Joel climbed into David's lap to get a better view of the house.  The boys' heads were bobbing along to the music, and I think I watched them more than I watched the lights.  I treasured each moment with my little guys today.

I'm hoping to get to see some movies this week.  It was nice to get out more today, but now I am sleepy and looking forward to snuggling down into bed and sleeping on my fluffy pillows, all four of them lol.