Monday, June 16, 2014

ONE YEAR of Dallas Sunshine!

An entire year has gone by since we made it to Texas!  I cannot believe we have been here for 365 days! (Ok there were quite a few days spent back in California this year lol, but most of the time we were here!)

Looking back over the past year, I am so grateful that life just plugged along.  There were many busy days full of fun and laughter.  We even had one broken bone and one major surgery (what would a 365 day journey of Sunshine be without that? LOL) But mostly every day was learning something new, going somewhere new, meeting someone new.  A whole lot of newness came to pass!

We are now experts at which restaurants serve the best Queso and Guacamole in town.  We are now patrons of a restaurant every tuesday for Taco Tuesday with the neighbors.  We now own a 15 foot trampoline and have kids over ALL the time jumping on it!  Our animals love exploring our neighborhood with walks and escaping.

Some of my happiest times are walking around our local pond/lake and letting Ginger swim to try and catch the birds or trying our hand at fishing.

I made a promise to myself to NOT be a hermit like I was when I first moved to South Orange County.  I threw myself into organizations like MOPS, became a room mom for Joel's class, volunteered for local charities, became part of a preschool co-op for Connor's school, got Connor enrolled in a local preschool in town, went to every church meeting I possibly could to make new friends, got involved in a book club, joined a "Ladies who Lunch" group, joined a dinner for couple's night group, became a scout leader for our local cub scouts, and got involved in Joel's PTA as much as possible.  It all worked!  I probably did a bit TOO much at times, but I made friends that I cherish.  I have some of the most deep and meaningful friendships I have had in a long time.  It took me 3 years to find really good friends in my old town, and I cherish my friendship with them, but I am so thankful it took only a few weeks to meet new people here that I have had SO many adventures with already!  The people of Texas are so GOOD.  We feel blessed each and every day to know such amazing, warm, FUN people!

I am so thankful for all of the movie nights we have already had in our movie theater room with friends.  I cannot wait for many more!  I am so grateful for all of the people here that love to eat the most amazing food!  We have truly had some of the best home cooked meals of our lives with some of the best conversations about our kids and life!

Life has been super busy this past year.  Most of it involved us doing something with or something FOR our children.  That is the part of our life's journey we are currently on.  It will end all too quickly I know, but I am so glad I got to document just a little bit of it.

As always, our family's mantra will continue to be "Find the Joy" That is what this blog is ALL about.  There is so much sunshine and happy moments yet to be had.  Maybe from time to time I will hop on here and let them out.  I mostly try to treasure them up in my heart and treasure each moment.  I have learned NOT to take a lot of pictures when I am with my kids or watching them...I try to soak it all up with my eyes and let my children know I SEE them and love watching them in THAT moment.  I don't have any particular words of wisdom to write THIS time around.  I feel like we have learned so much and I hope we continue to make new friends, keep the old, and carry on with our days of sunshine!

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